Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Pirates of Caribbean and Jonny Depp

   If someone asks me what my favorite movie is, I would pick the Pirates of Caribbean. I watched the first one when I was very young. My father likes to watch movies so much that he brought me with him whenever he went to watch movies. The Pirates of Caribbean was one of those movies that I went with my father. However, I just fell into the movie. I really liked Jonny Depp acting, and I loved the mood of the movie. Jonny Depp acting like a stupid guy made me laugh a lot.

   He looks so cool and funny in the movie. The accidents he makes and the way he moves in the movie make people to laugh a lot. I think one of the biggest reason why I like this movie is Jonny Depp. In the movie, his name is Jack Sparrow and he always want people to call him as Captain Jack Sparrow. And he always try to find and protect his beloved Pirate ship Black Pearl.

   In the movie, he fights agains many pirates. He is one of the most famous pirates in Caribbean sea, and he fights against his rivals. He is pretty greedy, but he only seek for what he wants. He is sometimes very courageous and friendy to his crews, but he likes to betray and lie to his companions. I really like his character!!!

   The fouth movie of the series just came out. I cannot wait to go watch the movie!! I will go watch with my friends next weekends. Well, I have final tests the next Monday and Tuesday, but it cannot stop me to go watch the movie. To me, it is more important than anything. I cannot wait any time to go watch it!! The preview looks so cool, and the movie introducing TV show says that there will be a great adventures that Captain Jack Sparrow will encounter. I'm very excited!!

MAN U vs Barcelona

   If you are a big soccer fan, you might watched the big match between Manchester United and Barcelona held last Saturday. It was UEFA champions league final, and the two teams played against to get the champion title. Both of the teams are great, and I also like both of the teams. However, I had to cheer for Manchester United because Ji-sung Park, the mid-fielder in the team, played on the match.

   At the beggining of the game, Manchester United had the lead of the game. They played very offensive and there were few chances that they could make a goal-in. However, Barcelona was not an easy team. They have a lot of great players, and they started to press Manchester United. Especially Sabi and Iniesta, the mid-fielders of Barcelona, brought many chances to make a goal-in, and it worked very well. At about 20 minutes of the game passed, Sabi through-passed to Pedro, the right offence line, and Pedro made the first goal-in. As one of the fan of Manchester United, I felt pretty bad, but the play was so perfect that I could not say anything.

   However, Rooney, one of the best striker in Manchester United made a second goal-in from perfect team play with his team members. The game get pretty hotter from the goals. However, Barcelona's play did not stop. Messi, considered as the best striker in the world in these days, played fantastically. It seemed like the ball liked him, and never got out of his foot. Finally, he made third goal-in, and the game mostly became Barcelona's.

   Many people say that Barcelona is the best club soccer team in the world. After watching the game, I could understand why people say that. Even though my team lost, I am still proud of Manchester United. I think I am a fan of the team just because of one Korean soccer player there, but I am still a big fan of MAN U!!!!!!!!!

Smart Phones!!!

   Smart phone is one of the hottiest issue people talk about these days. When you are trying to buy a new phone, the people at the cell phone store always suggest you to buy a smart phone. Me myself also have a smart phone, and I am very satisfiied with my phone.

   The phone companies bring out new design and technology to make new smart phones. I bought my phone about few months ago, and it is already considered as an old phone. At least once in three months, new type of phone comes out in a single company. The most strong point of smart phone is that you can always access to internet whenever, and whereever you are. This technology is called 3G, which is the internet line spread through all over the country. You can sns with your friends at anytime, and you can even check email at any time you want. Also, there are a lot of applications that you can download and use quiet usefully. In movie theater application, you can see what movie is out and when the movie starts, and you can also buy tickets through the application. Many other applications have different use, and you have mostly free access to use them.

   One of the most popular application in Korea is 'Kakao talk', which enables you to message to your friends with free cost. Well, you can only message if your friends also have the smart phone and downloaded the application. This is not a big problem since most people own the smart phones. People in these days look down on the normal phones. If you use a smart phone at least once, you would not want to use normal cellphones ever again. That is what I feel now.


   In these days, I cannot sleep well. I usually sleep late at night because of useless thoughts I aways have in my mind. When I go to bed, I am always wide awake, and cannot close my eyes. However, there is another reason that make me feel extremely bad and scared; it is nightmares!!!

   The most nightmares I have is about me. When I was young, I had a horrible car accident. I was with my father, him driving a motorcycle, and I was on the back. I was very young at the time, and my father was just giving me a ride to my school. My father was pretty confident in his driving, and tried to look at me to check if I was safe. However, he could not see the truck stopping and we both crashed with the truck. Oh my god, I cannot rememeber what happened after that. Only thing I can remember is screams and wierd sounds that people around me made. However, in my dream, I can see whole things that happened in the day. In the nightmare, I can see myself and my father on the motorcycle, and I am the third person in the air who is watching the accident. Every time, my and my father crash with the truck and me, the one is watching it, just feels the pain from it. The most horrible part is that my father always pass away in the nightmare. I've dreamed this nightmare at least more than ten times, and when I wake up from the dream, my body is fully wet from sweat.

   I think this nightmare is from the lack of sleep. I can sleep deep enough that I always feel tired even though I sleep for good amount of time. I can even be concious while I am sleeping. What should I do to sleep well? I am tired of being tired of lacking sleep. I think this is why I always do not remember small things and lose my stuffs. Ah.,,, anybody who knows what I should do, please help.

Korean Celebrities Commit Suicide,,,

   Korea is listed as one of the top countries that people often commit suicide. I am very ashamed of the fact. Just few days ago, a Korean singer commit suicide because of depression. Not only that, a sports announcer also committed suiced because of the rumors wandering around the internet about her. Even though it has been about half of the year of 2011, many celebrities passed away of committing suicide.

   One of the main reason for committing suicide is depression. Plus, celebrities are very likely to get this mental disease because of the rumors that many people talk about without any actual information. The word from mean netizens and thoughtless people stab into celebrities' heart and make them very depressed. Even I would get the disease if people around me back-talk of me and strange rumors about me wander around people. I think people should be more careful  when they are talking about other people.

   Why poor celebrities should be the victims? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since they get people's attention and become popular of many people? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since many fans of them cheer and support them? People have their own right to be happy and nobody cannot take the right away.

Korean Barbeque!!!

   If somebody ask me what my favorite food is, I will say "Of course Korean Barbeque!!!" I love Korean barbeque so much that once an every weekends, me and my family all go to Korean barbeque place. My father also like it very much; I think the reason I like it so much is because of my father.

   You see this delicious looking thing? Oh my god, it looks so tasty that I get hungry again. Koeran barbeque is seasoned with special sauce of the restaurant. This sause is usually a top secret of the restaurant. Because the restaurants prepare their own seasonings and the quality of the meat, every restaurants have their own deep taste.

   There are more kinds of Korean barbeque. The picture above is a picture of steamed beef barbeque. This is one of the best food in Korean history!! With this, I can eat about five bowls of rice. Also, lots of vegetables are steamed with the meat, such as potatoes, carrets, and onions. This is also well-being food because of the fact. Um,,, I want to taste the meat with a spoonful of rice!!

   Well,,, I personally think Korea foods are definitely one of the best food in the world. Many foreigners come to Korea to taste the foods in here. The food is becoming gloabally famous and I am very proud of the fact. Among those delicious foods, I love Korean barbeque the best!!!

I am a Singer!!!!

   In these days. the Korean entertainment program called 'I am a Singer' is very famous and popular. Many Korean people, teenagers to old people, watch it every weekends and talk about it. I am also one of those viewers, and me and my friends get very excited when we watch it. In this show, seven extremely talanted and great singers compete with others and in every two weeks, one of the singers get eliminated and another great singer join the competition.

   The video up there is a song named 'Please' by Bum-soo Kim. As you see, he sings so well that I got very amazed. While I was watching it, I was very shocked and could not think of any other things; I only concentrated on listening to the song. Not only that, other singers are so great that people who watch the concert just say "Wow,,,"

   This song is 'You All' by Jae-bum Lim. In this concert, a lot of the audience was so into the song and got full of emotion that they could not hold their tears while seeing him singing. Him, also, was so into emotion that he also cried during his concert.

   I personally think this show is a great show. Every weekends, the show becomes a very hot topic and many people talk about the show. I also get very excited about this show. I am already eager to see the next episode!!!