Monday, February 21, 2011

Wanna know my hobby? Playing Piano!

My favorite activity that I like to do in spare time is playing piano. I had learned playing piano since I was very young at the music academy. When I was learning, I did not enjoy playing it. However, strangely, I played piano at home when I got bored and had any spare time even though I quit learning because I got bored with it.
I could only concentrate in playing the music while I am playing the piano, and I love the sound I created by my fingers. When I found a good music note, I was very eager to play it, and I asked around many people to borrow me some good music notes. Also, I get really excited when I play in front of many people and them like it.
Sometimes, I get frustrated when I cannot understand the notes. As many people know, music can be very complicated, and some notes can be very hard to play. The complicated compositions sometimes mess up my finger movements while I am playing it. However, if I acquire music and play without any problem, I feel great adrenaline.

One of my goals, most likely to a dream, is to have my own concert. I believe that if I keep practicing and being passionate to it, I will be a great piano player. I know that I still need some more skills and so on, I will keep continue my great hobby.