Thursday, March 3, 2011


As many people, one of my favorite hobby is cooking!
My first experience of cooking was when I was to left alone at the house and to cook myself to have dinner. I made Korean ramen which was the only thing I could make myself.

After making the Korean ramen, I kind of got interested in making foods.
Then i started to put other stuffs such as ham, Korean hot sauce, and so on to make my own special food.

I learned most of my cooking recipies from my mom, who is a very nice cook.
My mom taught me how to make bulgogi, which is one of my favorite food.

The recipy I most recently learned is french toast. I tried it at a restaurant, and I really liked it. And my mom taught me how to make it.
I don't want to be a great cook, I am satisfied wtih just being able to make delicious food. I get really happy when my friends and other people try the food I made and like it. I definitly want to learn many more interesting recipies and try them at home.

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