Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Mr. Cornman mentioned about the trash issue on the cafeteria in our school after lunch. He told us his experiences of seeing lots of wrappers, empty cans, and other trashes rolling around the floor. He told that over 25 years of his school life, he has never seen such mess at the school, and he thinks the students in the school takes very little responsibility of their school.
             I agree with his opinion of the issue. After lunch, a lot of students use bending machines to get some snacks and desserts. However, most of them do not throw the wrappers and cans in the trashcan right beside the entrance, and they just leave them on the floor or table. Whose responsibility is it to clean it up? As all the students and teachers know, the janitor cleans up the school at night and in morning. It means that the trashes thrown away by the students stay there for the whole school hours. I suggest few plans to solve the problem.
             Firstly, the school can extend the use of giving students detentions. If any students get caught throwing any trashes on the floor or any place they should not be, the teachers give them detention without any warning. This way, the students would be more careful with what they do.
             Secondly, the school can stop the use of bending machine until the trash issue gets better and students show some improvements in their actions. Most of the trashes come from the food provided by the bending machine. If the school stops the use of bending machine, the students will fix their attitude in treating the school.
             These two plans will fix the students’ behavior toward the school. The school should start these policies any time they think it is necessary.

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