Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Horrible Incident in Japan,,,,

As everybody knows, there was a horrible earthquake that shook all over the japan and caused thousands of people there to die. Nearly ten thousand of people are found dead, and there are still more people being found dead right now. Uncountable number of people lost their home, family and friends.
This is a picture of a Japanese town that was hit by the earthquake directly. The picture on the left is before the earthquake, and the right one is after the earthquake. Most of the houses and buildings vanished as there wasn't anything there.

This is a picture of Japan from a satellite. The main island of Japan is totally shiftet 2.4 meters westward after the earthquake. Also, the lotation of earth is also shifted by the incident. I cannot even imagine the size of the earthquake that caused such results.
Numerous victims are found dead in the scene of the incident, and still, Japanese troops are looking for people who survived from it. This picture of taking out a dead body from the mess makes me feel so sad that our neighbor country is suffering a lot from such accident.

I believe Japan is a strong country and they will withstand this accident. I already see many articles that tell us how well Japan is withstanding with the earthquake, and I am not surprise with it. I really wish Japan would overcome the accident.

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