Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My hobby these days is to play poker. I first learned to play poker when I was in middle school, and we started to play poker because of a Korean drama that was about a cool guy playing poker to win his fortune. At first, we did not even know all the rules and patterns, we just played for fun. However, we started to know all the rules and hands, and the games started to get more and more competitive. 

There are a lot of ways to play poker, such as seven poker, texas hold'em, and so on. My favorite way is texas hold'em. At start, people on the table each get two cards, and see what they got. If they choose to keep playing, they say 'check'. And the other three cards get open on the table, and all the people share those cards to make their hands. And then, people who are in the game startes betting. After people are done with betting, another card gets open on the table, and people starts betting again. Also, very important, players can fold their cards, which means they quit playing a game, but once they bet chips, even though they fold, they loose the chips they have bet. Anyways, after they are done with betting, the last fifth card gets open and the players again starts betting. When the betting finishes, the players open the two cards they got from the beggining and compare who got higher hands. The winner gets all the chips that are bet.

There are lots of hands in poker.

I know, poker is a gambling that many people loose their money. However, playing poker only with chips, and playing for fun can be a very enjoyable hobby. Playing for fun with your friends will blow your stress!!

Horrible Incident in Japan,,,,

As everybody knows, there was a horrible earthquake that shook all over the japan and caused thousands of people there to die. Nearly ten thousand of people are found dead, and there are still more people being found dead right now. Uncountable number of people lost their home, family and friends.
This is a picture of a Japanese town that was hit by the earthquake directly. The picture on the left is before the earthquake, and the right one is after the earthquake. Most of the houses and buildings vanished as there wasn't anything there.

This is a picture of Japan from a satellite. The main island of Japan is totally shiftet 2.4 meters westward after the earthquake. Also, the lotation of earth is also shifted by the incident. I cannot even imagine the size of the earthquake that caused such results.
Numerous victims are found dead in the scene of the incident, and still, Japanese troops are looking for people who survived from it. This picture of taking out a dead body from the mess makes me feel so sad that our neighbor country is suffering a lot from such accident.

I believe Japan is a strong country and they will withstand this accident. I already see many articles that tell us how well Japan is withstanding with the earthquake, and I am not surprise with it. I really wish Japan would overcome the accident.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Mr. Cornman mentioned about the trash issue on the cafeteria in our school after lunch. He told us his experiences of seeing lots of wrappers, empty cans, and other trashes rolling around the floor. He told that over 25 years of his school life, he has never seen such mess at the school, and he thinks the students in the school takes very little responsibility of their school.
             I agree with his opinion of the issue. After lunch, a lot of students use bending machines to get some snacks and desserts. However, most of them do not throw the wrappers and cans in the trashcan right beside the entrance, and they just leave them on the floor or table. Whose responsibility is it to clean it up? As all the students and teachers know, the janitor cleans up the school at night and in morning. It means that the trashes thrown away by the students stay there for the whole school hours. I suggest few plans to solve the problem.
             Firstly, the school can extend the use of giving students detentions. If any students get caught throwing any trashes on the floor or any place they should not be, the teachers give them detention without any warning. This way, the students would be more careful with what they do.
             Secondly, the school can stop the use of bending machine until the trash issue gets better and students show some improvements in their actions. Most of the trashes come from the food provided by the bending machine. If the school stops the use of bending machine, the students will fix their attitude in treating the school.
             These two plans will fix the students’ behavior toward the school. The school should start these policies any time they think it is necessary.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hotel management!!!

Hotel management!!
It has been my dream to be a hotel manager and to own my hotel that a lot of famous celebrities come. Look at the picture of a hotel on the right. Isn't it cool? It is Belagio hotel in Las Vegas. It is one of the most famous hotel in the world, and it is so beautiful that I wanna live there.

My first goal to achieve my dream is to be a hotel manager. I am going to major in hospitality management in UNLV(University of Nevada, Las Vegas). It is one of the most famous school for hospitality mangagement in the states, and I really want to go there to pursue my dream.

Food and beverage, wines, gaming and casino, and numerous other things and experiences are available to acquire as hotel manager. You can also become a sommelier!!

I had been studying for my dream for pretty long time. Since I was in middle school, I have been dreaming of me working in a nice hotel, being in charge of everything happening in there, and greeting a lot of famous celebrities. No matter what takes to get it done, it will be done.


My dream car is Nissan 370z.
I have been dreaming driving that car since the time it came out to the world.
It looks very slim and sexy. It looks sharp and tiny. The design of it is just as the shape of my dream car I had in my mind.

Look at the pictures of it and feel it.
Even the back of it has a sexy shape.

This car has been my dream car since the time I saw it for the first time. My father promised me to get me one of them when I get into college. And the most important thing is that I just got accepted to the college(UNLV YEA!!!) last week. Oh my God I'm so excited to go to the college and drive my sexy car. My life will get more perfect at that time. I will tune up the car, set up the stereo, fix the shape a little. It will cost pretty much, but it would not be any waste ^^.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


As many people, one of my favorite hobby is cooking!
My first experience of cooking was when I was to left alone at the house and to cook myself to have dinner. I made Korean ramen which was the only thing I could make myself.

After making the Korean ramen, I kind of got interested in making foods.
Then i started to put other stuffs such as ham, Korean hot sauce, and so on to make my own special food.

I learned most of my cooking recipies from my mom, who is a very nice cook.
My mom taught me how to make bulgogi, which is one of my favorite food.

The recipy I most recently learned is french toast. I tried it at a restaurant, and I really liked it. And my mom taught me how to make it.
I don't want to be a great cook, I am satisfied wtih just being able to make delicious food. I get really happy when my friends and other people try the food I made and like it. I definitly want to learn many more interesting recipies and try them at home.