Saturday, April 23, 2011

Working out!!!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, summer is coming!!!!!!!!!! You all know what summer means, it is season of exposure of your body!!! Girls start to lose some weight and guys try to make some muscles to attract women. Also, in summer, people visit beach for vacations. In beach, as you all know, people wear swimming suits!! Guys only wear short swimming pants that almost looks like underwear, and girls wear bikinies that melt guys eyes. Wait, but are you overweight or gained some weight during cold winter? Then let's start working out!!!

   Guys, do you want to have some abs like the one in the picture? If you want it so bad, you should stop what you are doing right now and start running!! Running kills your body fat, and also helps to build your abdominals. Also, it build proper leg strenght that is the basic of all other sports and weight lifting. Also, doing sit-ups are one of the easiest way to build your abs. If you do hundred sit-ups a day, everynight, you will start to see some cuts made on your stomach in a month.

   If you want to have some biceps, you should lift weights. Bicep is very important part of your arm muscle. Also, most guys want to have big biceps to be strong. Big biceps are symbol of strenghth I think.
   Lastly, the most important part in your exercising is running. When you run, you start to sweat. And by that sweating, you start to lose body fats. Losing body fats make your weinght to go down, and make your body much more healthier. Also, running helps to build your leg muscles, and also your abdominals. Scientists say that you use every part of your muscle when you run. Thus, running is the most important and effective exercise when you are working out.

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