Monday, April 25, 2011

Part time job!!!!!

    A lot of students in both High Schools and universities search for part time job. I also look for part time job every week to get some money. In my case, I look for short term jobs, like working only during weekends and few days, because I have to attend school during weekdays. In these days, I work at wedding hall every weekends and make some money.

    This is a picture of usual wedding hall, and me and about ten more people work in the place. The workers have to set up everything, including chairs, decorations, tables, foods, and so on, and get ready to get the customers to be sit. There are usually three weddings a day, and we have to clean up after each wedding and set up the whole thing again. Working at wedding hall could be sometimes very hard and tiring, but the paycheck after the hard working is pretty good. I get 6000 won per hour, about 6 dollars per our in the States. I know that usually wage for America is about 8 dollars per hour, but you know, the currency is different between countries. 6000 won is pretty good amount of money in Korea.

    I think working at part time job is a very helpful thing for a student. Students in universities can make some school fees from the work, and others could make some extra money they can use for fun. Also, working make students to learn how the society goes and teaches them lots of things.

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