Monday, May 23, 2011

Idols, the Face of Korea

    A lot of Korean teenagers are crazy about idol singgers. They are young, looks pretty and handsome, and have many talents to show to people. I am personally not interested in idol singers, but I cannot deny that idol girl groups are pretty and look hot. Especially Hyun-a in 4 minutes, Hyo-sung in Secret, and IU who is a solo singer are very popular and pretty. Among those three, IU have enourmous popularity and most of Korean guys in my age are crazy about her.
   This is picture of IU, the hottest icon of the idols among many idol groups. Many people agree that she does not have the prettiest face, but she is very cute, young, and attractive. When I saw her on TV at first, I was not that impressed by her, but the more and more time I see her, she seems lovely and attractive. I think that is the advantage of idol groups, looking more and more nice and hot.
   This is the picture of Girls Generation, the most popular idol group in Korea among guys. They are composed of nine members. As you see, most of idols are in groups. All nine of the memebers have enormous amount of popilarity.  Even few crazy fans try to kidnap them and own them on their own. I personally am not interested in them, and I sometimes do not understand my friends who gets crazy about them. Even older people, like in thirties and fourties like them and go to their concerts to see them on their real eyes.

   I think Koreans are crazy about idols. I firstly thought that Idol typoon will be gone in short time, but my guess was very wrong. I do not think their popularity will not be gone until they get old and wrinkled.

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