Sunday, May 29, 2011

Korean Celebrities Commit Suicide,,,

   Korea is listed as one of the top countries that people often commit suicide. I am very ashamed of the fact. Just few days ago, a Korean singer commit suicide because of depression. Not only that, a sports announcer also committed suiced because of the rumors wandering around the internet about her. Even though it has been about half of the year of 2011, many celebrities passed away of committing suicide.

   One of the main reason for committing suicide is depression. Plus, celebrities are very likely to get this mental disease because of the rumors that many people talk about without any actual information. The word from mean netizens and thoughtless people stab into celebrities' heart and make them very depressed. Even I would get the disease if people around me back-talk of me and strange rumors about me wander around people. I think people should be more careful  when they are talking about other people.

   Why poor celebrities should be the victims? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since they get people's attention and become popular of many people? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since many fans of them cheer and support them? People have their own right to be happy and nobody cannot take the right away.

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