Monday, May 23, 2011

What do I love to do? DOTA!!!

    What do I love to do? In these days, the most favorite thing I enjoy is computer games. I play a very popular game named Warcraft. Blizzard game company made it and I believe that a lot of people around the world play this game. It is like Starcraft; it is war tactic simulation game, and it has a lot of mini games created by individuals. Among those minigames made by a lot of people, I enjoy playing DOTA. Main story of the game is that heroes from the opposite sides, sentinal and scourge, fight each other to achieve victory. I have been playing this game for a long time, and I cannot quit playing it!

   This is the picture of DOTA characters. I think somebody who plays it made miniatures of the characters. They look pretty cool huh? Once you start the game, you are supposed to choose one of the characters, and then you start to make your character stronger. Whenever you see your enemy, you have to fight against them and kill them.
   This is one of the battle scene. You see that few characters are chasing for their enemy to pawn him. The character that is in very front is running away from those characters. DOTA goes on by these fights, and basically the team that has more kills and that destroyed more buildings win. It is pretty hard to play well if you are begginer, but once you get used to it and understand basic skills of the characters, you also can be in the middle of the plays!

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