Sunday, May 29, 2011

MAN U vs Barcelona

   If you are a big soccer fan, you might watched the big match between Manchester United and Barcelona held last Saturday. It was UEFA champions league final, and the two teams played against to get the champion title. Both of the teams are great, and I also like both of the teams. However, I had to cheer for Manchester United because Ji-sung Park, the mid-fielder in the team, played on the match.

   At the beggining of the game, Manchester United had the lead of the game. They played very offensive and there were few chances that they could make a goal-in. However, Barcelona was not an easy team. They have a lot of great players, and they started to press Manchester United. Especially Sabi and Iniesta, the mid-fielders of Barcelona, brought many chances to make a goal-in, and it worked very well. At about 20 minutes of the game passed, Sabi through-passed to Pedro, the right offence line, and Pedro made the first goal-in. As one of the fan of Manchester United, I felt pretty bad, but the play was so perfect that I could not say anything.

   However, Rooney, one of the best striker in Manchester United made a second goal-in from perfect team play with his team members. The game get pretty hotter from the goals. However, Barcelona's play did not stop. Messi, considered as the best striker in the world in these days, played fantastically. It seemed like the ball liked him, and never got out of his foot. Finally, he made third goal-in, and the game mostly became Barcelona's.

   Many people say that Barcelona is the best club soccer team in the world. After watching the game, I could understand why people say that. Even though my team lost, I am still proud of Manchester United. I think I am a fan of the team just because of one Korean soccer player there, but I am still a big fan of MAN U!!!!!!!!!

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