Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Pirates of Caribbean and Jonny Depp

   If someone asks me what my favorite movie is, I would pick the Pirates of Caribbean. I watched the first one when I was very young. My father likes to watch movies so much that he brought me with him whenever he went to watch movies. The Pirates of Caribbean was one of those movies that I went with my father. However, I just fell into the movie. I really liked Jonny Depp acting, and I loved the mood of the movie. Jonny Depp acting like a stupid guy made me laugh a lot.

   He looks so cool and funny in the movie. The accidents he makes and the way he moves in the movie make people to laugh a lot. I think one of the biggest reason why I like this movie is Jonny Depp. In the movie, his name is Jack Sparrow and he always want people to call him as Captain Jack Sparrow. And he always try to find and protect his beloved Pirate ship Black Pearl.

   In the movie, he fights agains many pirates. He is one of the most famous pirates in Caribbean sea, and he fights against his rivals. He is pretty greedy, but he only seek for what he wants. He is sometimes very courageous and friendy to his crews, but he likes to betray and lie to his companions. I really like his character!!!

   The fouth movie of the series just came out. I cannot wait to go watch the movie!! I will go watch with my friends next weekends. Well, I have final tests the next Monday and Tuesday, but it cannot stop me to go watch the movie. To me, it is more important than anything. I cannot wait any time to go watch it!! The preview looks so cool, and the movie introducing TV show says that there will be a great adventures that Captain Jack Sparrow will encounter. I'm very excited!!

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