Sunday, May 29, 2011

Smart Phones!!!

   Smart phone is one of the hottiest issue people talk about these days. When you are trying to buy a new phone, the people at the cell phone store always suggest you to buy a smart phone. Me myself also have a smart phone, and I am very satisfiied with my phone.

   The phone companies bring out new design and technology to make new smart phones. I bought my phone about few months ago, and it is already considered as an old phone. At least once in three months, new type of phone comes out in a single company. The most strong point of smart phone is that you can always access to internet whenever, and whereever you are. This technology is called 3G, which is the internet line spread through all over the country. You can sns with your friends at anytime, and you can even check email at any time you want. Also, there are a lot of applications that you can download and use quiet usefully. In movie theater application, you can see what movie is out and when the movie starts, and you can also buy tickets through the application. Many other applications have different use, and you have mostly free access to use them.

   One of the most popular application in Korea is 'Kakao talk', which enables you to message to your friends with free cost. Well, you can only message if your friends also have the smart phone and downloaded the application. This is not a big problem since most people own the smart phones. People in these days look down on the normal phones. If you use a smart phone at least once, you would not want to use normal cellphones ever again. That is what I feel now.

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