Sunday, May 29, 2011


   In these days, I cannot sleep well. I usually sleep late at night because of useless thoughts I aways have in my mind. When I go to bed, I am always wide awake, and cannot close my eyes. However, there is another reason that make me feel extremely bad and scared; it is nightmares!!!

   The most nightmares I have is about me. When I was young, I had a horrible car accident. I was with my father, him driving a motorcycle, and I was on the back. I was very young at the time, and my father was just giving me a ride to my school. My father was pretty confident in his driving, and tried to look at me to check if I was safe. However, he could not see the truck stopping and we both crashed with the truck. Oh my god, I cannot rememeber what happened after that. Only thing I can remember is screams and wierd sounds that people around me made. However, in my dream, I can see whole things that happened in the day. In the nightmare, I can see myself and my father on the motorcycle, and I am the third person in the air who is watching the accident. Every time, my and my father crash with the truck and me, the one is watching it, just feels the pain from it. The most horrible part is that my father always pass away in the nightmare. I've dreamed this nightmare at least more than ten times, and when I wake up from the dream, my body is fully wet from sweat.

   I think this nightmare is from the lack of sleep. I can sleep deep enough that I always feel tired even though I sleep for good amount of time. I can even be concious while I am sleeping. What should I do to sleep well? I am tired of being tired of lacking sleep. I think this is why I always do not remember small things and lose my stuffs. Ah.,,, anybody who knows what I should do, please help.

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