Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Pirates of Caribbean and Jonny Depp

   If someone asks me what my favorite movie is, I would pick the Pirates of Caribbean. I watched the first one when I was very young. My father likes to watch movies so much that he brought me with him whenever he went to watch movies. The Pirates of Caribbean was one of those movies that I went with my father. However, I just fell into the movie. I really liked Jonny Depp acting, and I loved the mood of the movie. Jonny Depp acting like a stupid guy made me laugh a lot.

   He looks so cool and funny in the movie. The accidents he makes and the way he moves in the movie make people to laugh a lot. I think one of the biggest reason why I like this movie is Jonny Depp. In the movie, his name is Jack Sparrow and he always want people to call him as Captain Jack Sparrow. And he always try to find and protect his beloved Pirate ship Black Pearl.

   In the movie, he fights agains many pirates. He is one of the most famous pirates in Caribbean sea, and he fights against his rivals. He is pretty greedy, but he only seek for what he wants. He is sometimes very courageous and friendy to his crews, but he likes to betray and lie to his companions. I really like his character!!!

   The fouth movie of the series just came out. I cannot wait to go watch the movie!! I will go watch with my friends next weekends. Well, I have final tests the next Monday and Tuesday, but it cannot stop me to go watch the movie. To me, it is more important than anything. I cannot wait any time to go watch it!! The preview looks so cool, and the movie introducing TV show says that there will be a great adventures that Captain Jack Sparrow will encounter. I'm very excited!!

MAN U vs Barcelona

   If you are a big soccer fan, you might watched the big match between Manchester United and Barcelona held last Saturday. It was UEFA champions league final, and the two teams played against to get the champion title. Both of the teams are great, and I also like both of the teams. However, I had to cheer for Manchester United because Ji-sung Park, the mid-fielder in the team, played on the match.

   At the beggining of the game, Manchester United had the lead of the game. They played very offensive and there were few chances that they could make a goal-in. However, Barcelona was not an easy team. They have a lot of great players, and they started to press Manchester United. Especially Sabi and Iniesta, the mid-fielders of Barcelona, brought many chances to make a goal-in, and it worked very well. At about 20 minutes of the game passed, Sabi through-passed to Pedro, the right offence line, and Pedro made the first goal-in. As one of the fan of Manchester United, I felt pretty bad, but the play was so perfect that I could not say anything.

   However, Rooney, one of the best striker in Manchester United made a second goal-in from perfect team play with his team members. The game get pretty hotter from the goals. However, Barcelona's play did not stop. Messi, considered as the best striker in the world in these days, played fantastically. It seemed like the ball liked him, and never got out of his foot. Finally, he made third goal-in, and the game mostly became Barcelona's.

   Many people say that Barcelona is the best club soccer team in the world. After watching the game, I could understand why people say that. Even though my team lost, I am still proud of Manchester United. I think I am a fan of the team just because of one Korean soccer player there, but I am still a big fan of MAN U!!!!!!!!!

Smart Phones!!!

   Smart phone is one of the hottiest issue people talk about these days. When you are trying to buy a new phone, the people at the cell phone store always suggest you to buy a smart phone. Me myself also have a smart phone, and I am very satisfiied with my phone.

   The phone companies bring out new design and technology to make new smart phones. I bought my phone about few months ago, and it is already considered as an old phone. At least once in three months, new type of phone comes out in a single company. The most strong point of smart phone is that you can always access to internet whenever, and whereever you are. This technology is called 3G, which is the internet line spread through all over the country. You can sns with your friends at anytime, and you can even check email at any time you want. Also, there are a lot of applications that you can download and use quiet usefully. In movie theater application, you can see what movie is out and when the movie starts, and you can also buy tickets through the application. Many other applications have different use, and you have mostly free access to use them.

   One of the most popular application in Korea is 'Kakao talk', which enables you to message to your friends with free cost. Well, you can only message if your friends also have the smart phone and downloaded the application. This is not a big problem since most people own the smart phones. People in these days look down on the normal phones. If you use a smart phone at least once, you would not want to use normal cellphones ever again. That is what I feel now.


   In these days, I cannot sleep well. I usually sleep late at night because of useless thoughts I aways have in my mind. When I go to bed, I am always wide awake, and cannot close my eyes. However, there is another reason that make me feel extremely bad and scared; it is nightmares!!!

   The most nightmares I have is about me. When I was young, I had a horrible car accident. I was with my father, him driving a motorcycle, and I was on the back. I was very young at the time, and my father was just giving me a ride to my school. My father was pretty confident in his driving, and tried to look at me to check if I was safe. However, he could not see the truck stopping and we both crashed with the truck. Oh my god, I cannot rememeber what happened after that. Only thing I can remember is screams and wierd sounds that people around me made. However, in my dream, I can see whole things that happened in the day. In the nightmare, I can see myself and my father on the motorcycle, and I am the third person in the air who is watching the accident. Every time, my and my father crash with the truck and me, the one is watching it, just feels the pain from it. The most horrible part is that my father always pass away in the nightmare. I've dreamed this nightmare at least more than ten times, and when I wake up from the dream, my body is fully wet from sweat.

   I think this nightmare is from the lack of sleep. I can sleep deep enough that I always feel tired even though I sleep for good amount of time. I can even be concious while I am sleeping. What should I do to sleep well? I am tired of being tired of lacking sleep. I think this is why I always do not remember small things and lose my stuffs. Ah.,,, anybody who knows what I should do, please help.

Korean Celebrities Commit Suicide,,,

   Korea is listed as one of the top countries that people often commit suicide. I am very ashamed of the fact. Just few days ago, a Korean singer commit suicide because of depression. Not only that, a sports announcer also committed suiced because of the rumors wandering around the internet about her. Even though it has been about half of the year of 2011, many celebrities passed away of committing suicide.

   One of the main reason for committing suicide is depression. Plus, celebrities are very likely to get this mental disease because of the rumors that many people talk about without any actual information. The word from mean netizens and thoughtless people stab into celebrities' heart and make them very depressed. Even I would get the disease if people around me back-talk of me and strange rumors about me wander around people. I think people should be more careful  when they are talking about other people.

   Why poor celebrities should be the victims? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since they get people's attention and become popular of many people? Shouldn't they be the happiest people since many fans of them cheer and support them? People have their own right to be happy and nobody cannot take the right away.

Korean Barbeque!!!

   If somebody ask me what my favorite food is, I will say "Of course Korean Barbeque!!!" I love Korean barbeque so much that once an every weekends, me and my family all go to Korean barbeque place. My father also like it very much; I think the reason I like it so much is because of my father.

   You see this delicious looking thing? Oh my god, it looks so tasty that I get hungry again. Koeran barbeque is seasoned with special sauce of the restaurant. This sause is usually a top secret of the restaurant. Because the restaurants prepare their own seasonings and the quality of the meat, every restaurants have their own deep taste.

   There are more kinds of Korean barbeque. The picture above is a picture of steamed beef barbeque. This is one of the best food in Korean history!! With this, I can eat about five bowls of rice. Also, lots of vegetables are steamed with the meat, such as potatoes, carrets, and onions. This is also well-being food because of the fact. Um,,, I want to taste the meat with a spoonful of rice!!

   Well,,, I personally think Korea foods are definitely one of the best food in the world. Many foreigners come to Korea to taste the foods in here. The food is becoming gloabally famous and I am very proud of the fact. Among those delicious foods, I love Korean barbeque the best!!!

I am a Singer!!!!

   In these days. the Korean entertainment program called 'I am a Singer' is very famous and popular. Many Korean people, teenagers to old people, watch it every weekends and talk about it. I am also one of those viewers, and me and my friends get very excited when we watch it. In this show, seven extremely talanted and great singers compete with others and in every two weeks, one of the singers get eliminated and another great singer join the competition.

   The video up there is a song named 'Please' by Bum-soo Kim. As you see, he sings so well that I got very amazed. While I was watching it, I was very shocked and could not think of any other things; I only concentrated on listening to the song. Not only that, other singers are so great that people who watch the concert just say "Wow,,,"

   This song is 'You All' by Jae-bum Lim. In this concert, a lot of the audience was so into the song and got full of emotion that they could not hold their tears while seeing him singing. Him, also, was so into emotion that he also cried during his concert.

   I personally think this show is a great show. Every weekends, the show becomes a very hot topic and many people talk about the show. I also get very excited about this show. I am already eager to see the next episode!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Idols, the Face of Korea

    A lot of Korean teenagers are crazy about idol singgers. They are young, looks pretty and handsome, and have many talents to show to people. I am personally not interested in idol singers, but I cannot deny that idol girl groups are pretty and look hot. Especially Hyun-a in 4 minutes, Hyo-sung in Secret, and IU who is a solo singer are very popular and pretty. Among those three, IU have enourmous popularity and most of Korean guys in my age are crazy about her.
   This is picture of IU, the hottest icon of the idols among many idol groups. Many people agree that she does not have the prettiest face, but she is very cute, young, and attractive. When I saw her on TV at first, I was not that impressed by her, but the more and more time I see her, she seems lovely and attractive. I think that is the advantage of idol groups, looking more and more nice and hot.
   This is the picture of Girls Generation, the most popular idol group in Korea among guys. They are composed of nine members. As you see, most of idols are in groups. All nine of the memebers have enormous amount of popilarity.  Even few crazy fans try to kidnap them and own them on their own. I personally am not interested in them, and I sometimes do not understand my friends who gets crazy about them. Even older people, like in thirties and fourties like them and go to their concerts to see them on their real eyes.

   I think Koreans are crazy about idols. I firstly thought that Idol typoon will be gone in short time, but my guess was very wrong. I do not think their popularity will not be gone until they get old and wrinkled.

What do I love to do? DOTA!!!

    What do I love to do? In these days, the most favorite thing I enjoy is computer games. I play a very popular game named Warcraft. Blizzard game company made it and I believe that a lot of people around the world play this game. It is like Starcraft; it is war tactic simulation game, and it has a lot of mini games created by individuals. Among those minigames made by a lot of people, I enjoy playing DOTA. Main story of the game is that heroes from the opposite sides, sentinal and scourge, fight each other to achieve victory. I have been playing this game for a long time, and I cannot quit playing it!

   This is the picture of DOTA characters. I think somebody who plays it made miniatures of the characters. They look pretty cool huh? Once you start the game, you are supposed to choose one of the characters, and then you start to make your character stronger. Whenever you see your enemy, you have to fight against them and kill them.
   This is one of the battle scene. You see that few characters are chasing for their enemy to pawn him. The character that is in very front is running away from those characters. DOTA goes on by these fights, and basically the team that has more kills and that destroyed more buildings win. It is pretty hard to play well if you are begginer, but once you get used to it and understand basic skills of the characters, you also can be in the middle of the plays!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yuna Kim!!!!

   Yuna Kim!!! She is a great figure skater of Korea and won several gold medals in world championships including Olympics. She is one of the most famous celebrities in Korea, and make huge amount of money. I have been a huge fan of her since I firstly saw her performance. In the performance, she was so gorgeous and beautiful, that I could not take my eyes off of her. I was just thinking 'Oh my God She is so pretty I want to go out with her.' Well, I know, it is very unlikely to happen, but I always dreamed her going out with me.

   This is her picture of her with the gold medal from Olympics. I still remember the moment. The most surprising fact was that the announcer, who is American, was cheering for her over American performer. He said 'Yuna Kim is the greatest figure skater in the world and I am so excited that I am just about to watch her skating.' Since then, I realized that how great she is and how far I am from her. Sad.... Well the performance was perfect and she achieved the gold medal with incredible score. She almost got perfect scores from all the judges, which is very unlikely to happen. I think that moment was when she looked most beautiful to me.

   She is heroine of Korea and very attractive woman. Most of Korean guys love her. Well, one of my biggest wish in my life is seeing her in person and to talking to her. Well, I would say just being a friend with her.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Korea My Home Country

    Well, as most of people who know me in person, I am Korean. Sometimes, people in foriegn countries such as Americans or Canadians, they ask me if I am South Korean or North Korean. Well, I think it is a very stupid question because usually North Koreans are not allowed to leave their country. Well, even though I think so, I understand those people who ask me such question because they do not know about Korea very well. So I want to introduce to you guys about my Home Country South Korea.
    This is a map of Korea. As you all know, Seoul is capital city of the country, and it is located near the border line between North and South Korea. Some poeple might think that it would be very dangerous that such a big capital city is located near NK, but do not worry, we have not been fighting since Korean war.

    This is a picture of Gangnam, which is a main part of Seoul. A lot of economic activities happens in there. Well, other parts of Seoul is a lot similar to there, but this street is the most famous to many Koreans. Also, there are many stores, entertainments, and restaurants.

    This is a picture of Korean palace. Long time ago, when Korea was ruled by kings, they lived in there. Also, Korean government was also in those palaces. All the governing processes happend in those palaces, and everyone who were related with Korean kingdom stayed there. Every governing process happened in there.

    One thing that Korea is most famous for is Korean food!!! They are very delicious and natural. Many Korean foods are healthy and also many foreign people like them. The picture above is one of the most popular Korean food, bibimbob. It is rice mixed with many kinds of vegetables and Korean hot sauce. The Korean hot sauce gives the eater little bit of spicy and sweet taste. I love that food!!

    Korea is not as famous as France, America, England and so on. However, I am very proud of myself that I am Korean,  and I love my country. I hope many people come visit Korea and experience some Korean culture.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Part time job!!!!!

    A lot of students in both High Schools and universities search for part time job. I also look for part time job every week to get some money. In my case, I look for short term jobs, like working only during weekends and few days, because I have to attend school during weekdays. In these days, I work at wedding hall every weekends and make some money.

    This is a picture of usual wedding hall, and me and about ten more people work in the place. The workers have to set up everything, including chairs, decorations, tables, foods, and so on, and get ready to get the customers to be sit. There are usually three weddings a day, and we have to clean up after each wedding and set up the whole thing again. Working at wedding hall could be sometimes very hard and tiring, but the paycheck after the hard working is pretty good. I get 6000 won per hour, about 6 dollars per our in the States. I know that usually wage for America is about 8 dollars per hour, but you know, the currency is different between countries. 6000 won is pretty good amount of money in Korea.

    I think working at part time job is a very helpful thing for a student. Students in universities can make some school fees from the work, and others could make some extra money they can use for fun. Also, working make students to learn how the society goes and teaches them lots of things.

Friends VS Family

   Both family and friends are very important part in your life. However, modern people concerns whom to be dependable and be able to tell secrets and other concerns. Many people say that friends are the ones to be chosen, but I do not agree with that idea. I believe that family is the one to depend when I am in trouble. I spent much more time with my family, and I am pretty sure that my family knows me better than my friends. Also, if i tell some concerns or worries to my family, they would take them much more seriously than my friends would do. Lastly, my family is always on my side and they would suggest things that will be best for me. For all these reasons, I say that family takes more important part in my life than friends.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Working out!!!!

    Ladies and Gentlemen, summer is coming!!!!!!!!!! You all know what summer means, it is season of exposure of your body!!! Girls start to lose some weight and guys try to make some muscles to attract women. Also, in summer, people visit beach for vacations. In beach, as you all know, people wear swimming suits!! Guys only wear short swimming pants that almost looks like underwear, and girls wear bikinies that melt guys eyes. Wait, but are you overweight or gained some weight during cold winter? Then let's start working out!!!

   Guys, do you want to have some abs like the one in the picture? If you want it so bad, you should stop what you are doing right now and start running!! Running kills your body fat, and also helps to build your abdominals. Also, it build proper leg strenght that is the basic of all other sports and weight lifting. Also, doing sit-ups are one of the easiest way to build your abs. If you do hundred sit-ups a day, everynight, you will start to see some cuts made on your stomach in a month.

   If you want to have some biceps, you should lift weights. Bicep is very important part of your arm muscle. Also, most guys want to have big biceps to be strong. Big biceps are symbol of strenghth I think.
   Lastly, the most important part in your exercising is running. When you run, you start to sweat. And by that sweating, you start to lose body fats. Losing body fats make your weinght to go down, and make your body much more healthier. Also, running helps to build your leg muscles, and also your abdominals. Scientists say that you use every part of your muscle when you run. Thus, running is the most important and effective exercise when you are working out.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Eating unhealthy!!

I think I am the worst eater in the Earth. My favorite foods are all very oily, contains lots of sugar and fat, and calories. One good thing is that my metabolism is very fast that I am not overweight. However, in these days, I started to feel being unhealthy and lacking of my strength. However, I cannot stop eating burgers, pizza, and samkyupsal!!
As everyone knows, this is a picture of a double-cheeseburger, and also one of my favorite food. It contains about a thousand calories and incredible amount of fat and salt!! Girls, watch out for this food, you will gain about 1kg if you finish this food.
HaHa!!! When you talk about eating unhealty, you cannot exclude pizza!!! Um~~~ the smell of creamy cheese. I cannot stop eating that beautiful creature when I smell it. Also, putting extra cheese on it and adding cheese crusts in the bread part (very edge part of a pizza) is unavoidable temptation. Thesedays, some pizza stores try to make well-being pizza such as putting only vegetables on it, but remember, pepperonies and bacons are best toppings for pizza!!!

If you live in Korea, it is almost impossible not to know about this food. It is samkyupsal!! It is pork and I do not actually know what part of a pig it is made of. However, the layers of fat and meat is fantastic when you grill it. The smell that instigate your nose will break your mind and make you to eat it constantly until you finish it all. Also, grilled kimchi with the oil that comes out of the meat is very delicious!!

I know that those kinds of food are very unhealthy. However, I love them, and that is all the reason I should not stop eating those. I will eat them until I die.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trip to Busan!!!

Hoa~~~ Cool ocean and wind. All of them stay in  Busan. Over the spring break time, me and my friend visitted Busan for 4 days. We used busses, subways, and sometimes taxis to move around.

HaHa! I am just abount to drop to the water!! There is a small harbor in Busan right next to the biggest fish market in Busan.

Have you ever seen such a big octopus? There are thousands of them in Busan Fish Market. In there, you can pick any fresh  alive fish, and the markets also provide fish sasimi right on the place. It is very delicious!

Feeding seagulls Korean chips is so much fun!!! Me and my friend fed numbers of seagulls with Korean chips. When I threw handful of chips, about hundred seagulls gathered right in front of me and tried to eat them. It was a tremendous experience!

Ah Ju Ssi (The Man) Movie review

I am to review a movie that I watched with a lot of interest. At first, I was not sure which movie I should introduce, but now, I am pretty determined to introduce Ah Ju Ssi.

This movie is about a man trying to save a young girl who is kidnapped by a Korean gang. The actor Won Bin is the guy trying to save the girl. He used to be a secret agent of Korea, and now retired. He runs a small money bank, and the young girl becomes his only friend. Someday, few Korean gang members come into his workplace and try to rob some unknown thing in his bank. The young girl also gets kidnapped by them, and Won Bin tries to save the girl all by himself.

This movie contains a lot of actions and bloody scenes. As this movie is rated R, lots of scenes are very cruel and brutal. However, all those scenes contains cool actions and thrills. The best attractive point in this movie is, I would say, the action parts that Won Bin shows us.

I would compare this movie with a Hollywood movie 'Taken.' Those two movies are very similar in that a guy is trying to save and protect his precious person. In Ah Ju Ssi, Won Bin tries to save his only friend, and in Taken, Liam Neeson tries to save his only daughter. Also, the part that both of the guys fight against gang members are very similar.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My hobby these days is to play poker. I first learned to play poker when I was in middle school, and we started to play poker because of a Korean drama that was about a cool guy playing poker to win his fortune. At first, we did not even know all the rules and patterns, we just played for fun. However, we started to know all the rules and hands, and the games started to get more and more competitive. 

There are a lot of ways to play poker, such as seven poker, texas hold'em, and so on. My favorite way is texas hold'em. At start, people on the table each get two cards, and see what they got. If they choose to keep playing, they say 'check'. And the other three cards get open on the table, and all the people share those cards to make their hands. And then, people who are in the game startes betting. After people are done with betting, another card gets open on the table, and people starts betting again. Also, very important, players can fold their cards, which means they quit playing a game, but once they bet chips, even though they fold, they loose the chips they have bet. Anyways, after they are done with betting, the last fifth card gets open and the players again starts betting. When the betting finishes, the players open the two cards they got from the beggining and compare who got higher hands. The winner gets all the chips that are bet.

There are lots of hands in poker.

I know, poker is a gambling that many people loose their money. However, playing poker only with chips, and playing for fun can be a very enjoyable hobby. Playing for fun with your friends will blow your stress!!

Horrible Incident in Japan,,,,

As everybody knows, there was a horrible earthquake that shook all over the japan and caused thousands of people there to die. Nearly ten thousand of people are found dead, and there are still more people being found dead right now. Uncountable number of people lost their home, family and friends.
This is a picture of a Japanese town that was hit by the earthquake directly. The picture on the left is before the earthquake, and the right one is after the earthquake. Most of the houses and buildings vanished as there wasn't anything there.

This is a picture of Japan from a satellite. The main island of Japan is totally shiftet 2.4 meters westward after the earthquake. Also, the lotation of earth is also shifted by the incident. I cannot even imagine the size of the earthquake that caused such results.
Numerous victims are found dead in the scene of the incident, and still, Japanese troops are looking for people who survived from it. This picture of taking out a dead body from the mess makes me feel so sad that our neighbor country is suffering a lot from such accident.

I believe Japan is a strong country and they will withstand this accident. I already see many articles that tell us how well Japan is withstanding with the earthquake, and I am not surprise with it. I really wish Japan would overcome the accident.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Mr. Cornman mentioned about the trash issue on the cafeteria in our school after lunch. He told us his experiences of seeing lots of wrappers, empty cans, and other trashes rolling around the floor. He told that over 25 years of his school life, he has never seen such mess at the school, and he thinks the students in the school takes very little responsibility of their school.
             I agree with his opinion of the issue. After lunch, a lot of students use bending machines to get some snacks and desserts. However, most of them do not throw the wrappers and cans in the trashcan right beside the entrance, and they just leave them on the floor or table. Whose responsibility is it to clean it up? As all the students and teachers know, the janitor cleans up the school at night and in morning. It means that the trashes thrown away by the students stay there for the whole school hours. I suggest few plans to solve the problem.
             Firstly, the school can extend the use of giving students detentions. If any students get caught throwing any trashes on the floor or any place they should not be, the teachers give them detention without any warning. This way, the students would be more careful with what they do.
             Secondly, the school can stop the use of bending machine until the trash issue gets better and students show some improvements in their actions. Most of the trashes come from the food provided by the bending machine. If the school stops the use of bending machine, the students will fix their attitude in treating the school.
             These two plans will fix the students’ behavior toward the school. The school should start these policies any time they think it is necessary.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hotel management!!!

Hotel management!!
It has been my dream to be a hotel manager and to own my hotel that a lot of famous celebrities come. Look at the picture of a hotel on the right. Isn't it cool? It is Belagio hotel in Las Vegas. It is one of the most famous hotel in the world, and it is so beautiful that I wanna live there.

My first goal to achieve my dream is to be a hotel manager. I am going to major in hospitality management in UNLV(University of Nevada, Las Vegas). It is one of the most famous school for hospitality mangagement in the states, and I really want to go there to pursue my dream.

Food and beverage, wines, gaming and casino, and numerous other things and experiences are available to acquire as hotel manager. You can also become a sommelier!!

I had been studying for my dream for pretty long time. Since I was in middle school, I have been dreaming of me working in a nice hotel, being in charge of everything happening in there, and greeting a lot of famous celebrities. No matter what takes to get it done, it will be done.


My dream car is Nissan 370z.
I have been dreaming driving that car since the time it came out to the world.
It looks very slim and sexy. It looks sharp and tiny. The design of it is just as the shape of my dream car I had in my mind.

Look at the pictures of it and feel it.
Even the back of it has a sexy shape.

This car has been my dream car since the time I saw it for the first time. My father promised me to get me one of them when I get into college. And the most important thing is that I just got accepted to the college(UNLV YEA!!!) last week. Oh my God I'm so excited to go to the college and drive my sexy car. My life will get more perfect at that time. I will tune up the car, set up the stereo, fix the shape a little. It will cost pretty much, but it would not be any waste ^^.